Thursday, July 14, 2016

INST 605 Computer Refelction

Computer technology has drastically improved over the course of my life.   My father was a Computer Analyst, so, I had the privileged of having on in my home my entire childhood.  Computers have affected me in many ways.

Once my father began to let me use the computer for games, I learned a sense of value.  It was made clear to me that computers were not cheap.  I learned how to take care of electronics which trickled down to other things in my life. While learning the basic functions of the computer my curiosity begin to increase.  Experimentation began to occur more often and before I knew it, I learned knew things about the system and how it worked.  This came in handy because it gave me a venue to be helpful to my mother who was not very computer literate.

Computer impacted me socially because I was able to to contact old friends and make new friends in a different medium.   I was able to locate many childhood friends due to the use of computers.  The use of email and social media technology improved my social life because I did not have to talk to people when it was not desired.  Before text messaging became popular it was a useful tool to remember previous conversations.  Features like this allow computers to be associated a sentimental value.

Computers have a social, structural, and educational affect on my life.  These threes areas have helped add a level of convenience to other aspects of my life.  As the technology continues to grow their will be more instances where they will impact my life.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

INST 605 DB2 Teaching with Technology

Teaching with Technology 

Technology has been advancing rapidly in the past decade.  Teachers across they world are being required to incorporate technology in their lessons.  Many schools have received federal, state, and sometimes private grants to make this a reality for teachers and students.

Many of the middle schools in Guildford county have incorporated tablet use as the major avenue for technology.  Every student is assigned a tablet and is able to have it linked to their respective class.  Teachers are able to create assignments, videos, and audio files to push out to the students for learning.  This initiative has been a major help to the county  because it prepares students for corporate world scenarios.  Surprisingly, there are a large number students who have never sent an email or attached a file.  Some teachers take for granted that even though the current generations is part of a technology savoy generation, many of them do not have the access or the consistent practice with it.  This initiative has given instructors the opportunity to recognize and meet that need.

A major task for a teacher is to make their specific content relevant.  While using different mediums of technology it gives the student the chance to see how their personal (or school provided) can be used for learning.  Not only that, but many of the uses address multiple styles of learning with one task.  Students use their kinetic sense because there is tangible equipment in their hand and they have to navigate through what ever resource is being used.  Normally there is something to read in that resource as well as an audio or visual.

The technology initiative is a means for teachers to intrigue their students while preparing them for world's challenges.

Works Cited
Technology in the Classroom  

Thursday, July 7, 2016

INST 605 Introduction

My name is Kynan Hudson. I am currently a 9th grade math teacher at Ben L Smith high school .  During undergrad, I attend North Carolina A&T State University where I recevied a degeee in Broadcast Production. In may final year of school I was doing volunteer work at Aycock Middle School and Dudley high school and realized that teaching was my true calling.  Currently, I am pursuing my teaching license.  It is my hope that participating in this class will give my new ideas to implement using technology in math classroom.